July 2022
Jacqui Lewis - BHSc Nutritional and Dietetic Medicine
Weight Loss Surgery Vitamins Essential Start Up Guide

We've got you; let's get started!
You've ticked all the boxes that will lead you to 'surgery day',
and you're well aware of the support you'll need after Weight Loss Surgery (WLS).
It can be overwhelming to absorb all the information required during such a time,
and we recognise that the learning curve is incredibly steep.
But don't stress - we've got you!
Here you will find our "Essential Start Up Guide" to the BN Healthy range of multivitamins and when
they are best suited to your needs.
There are generally four stages:

Your dietitian will always be the best one to guide you based on your individual needs, and of course, each of the stages has a matching range of BN Healthy products to suit your situation through each phase of the journey -
and lucky for you, we like to keep it simple!
Feel confident
Acquaint yourself with this handy guide, and you'll reduce confusion and feel confident you are putting your best foot forward as you progress toward your long-term health goals. We have got you - every step of the way!

Pre-Surgery (4 weeks prior)
Surprisingly, 90% of WLS patients have some vitamin and mineral deficiencies even BEFORE the journey begins.
There's also strong evidence that being "nutritionally sound" significantly reduces surgical risks and improves your recovery time directly after your Bariatric Surgery.
Pre-surgery is the BEST time to start to familiarise yourself with your blood test results and get your team to help you with advice regarding correcting any deficiencies in the lead-up to your big day.
Ideally, you would start to take a Bariatric strength multivitamin four weeks before surgery.

Do away with “bandaid” formulas and multiple bottles of vitamins patched together to meet your needs.
Our tasty chews are highly soluble and easy to absorb, can be used in the pre-op stage and are the only solution directly after - making it an easy and safe option to support you.
Pre-Surgery Dosages
(select one product only, do not exceed 2 per day)
*Or as directed by your healthcare professional.

Post-Surgery Recovery (4-6 weeks)
Welcome to a whole new world of possibility! This critical stage is all about safe recovery and healing.
This explains the progressive diet recommended:
Liquids first, then puree, followed by soft foods,
then all going to plan - back to a regular selection of healthy and balanced meals for the long-term.
The early phases support you as you heal and adjust after surgery.

It's important to report anything you feel promptly is unusual to your team - this will put your mind at rest if it's nothing,
and will make sure you get the right support if it's something.
It's all new - so it's expected you will need support and have questions.

Even though you might feel fine in this recovery phase, so much is happening.
There may be gaps in your nutrition due to restriction and malabsorption. Additionally, you'll need extra energy and food for healthy healing from the surgery.
For the first 4-6 weeks, we recommend the CHEWABLE vitamin formulas and a range of sources for your protein.
BN Chews; Orange or BN Chews Iron Free; Wild Berry include the right amount of all the nutrients you need in a highly soluble chewable tablet. This will ensure the nutrients are given every chance for absorption while your new tummy is working itself out!
Hit your protein targets easily with our customised full meal replacements, or top up with supplemental protein using BN Pure Pro or Tasteless Collagen.
You can trust that everything is there in the right amount, based on the studies done on more than 100,000 WLS patients1.
Post-Surgery Dosages
(select one product only, do not exceed 2 per day)
*Or as directed by your healthcare professional.
Procedure - Dosage
Gastric Bypass - 2 chews daily on a full stomach, preferably.
Gastric Sleeve - 2 chews daily on a full stomach, preferably.
BPD/DS - 2 chews daily on a full stomach, preferably.
We’ve got you covered
Your dietitian will advise of any 'standalone' nutrients required to support your individual needs. The BN Healthy, BN Multi Chews formulas are your insurance policy to protect against nutrient deficiencies and related health issues. Always ask your team before adding extra nutrients alongside the comprehensive BN Multi Chews range.
Timing is everything
The best outcomes are achieved when the 2 doses are taken well spread. Taking 2 at once might disagree with your delicate tummy at this stage, and separating the doses will give you two opportunities to absorb everything you can from the tablet.
Your body can only absorb so much at a time. Once you are further down the path, your options will start to broaden.
Sticking to the “rules” is such a part of your success: let's start with that from day 1 :)!
Ways to use the chewable tablets:

- It's pretty obvious…. Chew, enjoy and swallow at the end of a shake or meal.
- If you need to break up the dose (perhaps you've been left with an upset stomach after surgery) - cut your tablets in half for the day and take them 4 times instead.
- If you want to bypass the "chew" part - simply break the tablet into small enough pieces and swallow it like a pill.
- You can slowly dissolve the chews in 30ml juice over a few hours and drink them.

Post-Surgery: Rapid Weight Loss

At this point - you've come a long way! Take stock of what you have achieved and be proud of that! This phase is the "Rapid Weight Loss Phase" "or "The Honeymoon Period".
By this stage, you are living life! You're on your way to your goal weight and are ready for the rest of BN Healthy's tailored Bariatric range.
Many patients have fallen in love with the BN Multi Chews at this point, and they just stick with them forever - and this is a fabulous way to get what you need every day.
Now you've got some options - so let's look at what they are and what they "bring to the table".
Welcome, BN Caps
Complete Bariatric support in a handy hard capsule.
The only nutrient you will need alongside BN Cal is calcium. We use calcium citrate in our formula because it's proven to be the best absorbed by WLS patients.
BN Healthy offers some pretty neat ways to meet your increased needs for calcium every day.
After surgery, your ability to absorb calcium is forever affected, and daily supplementation is recommended for everyone.
You're likely feeling you are ready to re-enter everyday life without the complication of a limited diet, you see the results on the scales, AND your health is improving.
BN Chews - Orange Chewables
Contains: As per the ingredients label.
Dosage: Take 2 BN Chews per day with meals.
BN Caps - Hard Capsules
Contains: As per the ingredients label.
Dosage: Take 2 BN Caps per day with meals.
Perfect Partner to BN Caps
BN Cal - Chocolate Vanilla
Calcium Citrate Tablets
Contains: 200mg calcium citrate per tablet.
Dosage: 2-5 tablets chewed throughout the day*.
Perfect Partner to BN Caps
BN Chocolate
Dark Chocolate Balls
Calcium Citrate
Contains: 500mg calcium citrate per ball.
Dosage: Take no more than 2 balls daily*.
*As recommended by your team. Separate from other minerals such as iron, magnesium and zinc by at least 1 hour.
WLSANZ Melamine Portion Control Plate & Bowl
Practical tool in keeping with your diet and measuring your food intake for each meal easily.
Key gains in this phase:
- The reversal of Type 2 Diabetes,
- Reductions in blood pressure,
- Reduced appetite,
- And even some aversions to your old favourites like sweet treats, alcohol and coffee!
See why it's like a honeymoon?!
Build, and they will come:
The key here is Habit Building.
Learning how to eat your way to success using the Portion Plate and Bowl now will establish the habits you need after the honeymoon.
More than ever, knowing what is on your plate is the key to your long-term success.
The focus on protein is known to encourage sustained weight loss and reduced cravings and is the key to avoiding the dreaded weight regain.

Maintaining Healthy Balance Long-Term
You've done amazing things to get to this stage - as we said - it's a steep learning curve, but you're on the right track.
BN Caps - Hard Capsules
Contains: As per the ingredients label.
Dosage: Take 2 BN Caps per day with meals.
Perfect Partner to BN Caps
BN Cal - Chocolate Vanilla
Calcium Citrate Tablets
Contains: 200mg calcium citrate per tablet.
Dosage: 2-5 tablets chewed throughout the day, as recommended by your team*.
Perfect Partner to BN Caps
BN Chocolate
Dark Chocolate Balls
Calcium Citrate
Contains: 500mg calcium citrate per ball.
Dosage: Take no more than 2 balls daily*.
*As recommended by your team. Separate from other minerals such as iron, magnesium and zinc by at least 1 hour.
Wait, I have to take 5 BN Cal and 2 BN Caps every day???
Initially, this will sound like a lot, but consider this:
This includes your multivitamin, iron AND calcium - and there's nothing else required.
To manage this with supermarket brands and get enough of all the nutrients you need - you would be looking at
2 bottles of "gummy" vitamins just to get enough B12 alone!!
It all works out when you are in pristine health - living!
"The Best Of Your Life"
Long-Term Stand Alone Support
Generally, you'll find that when you are really consistent with your twice-a-day multivitamin - whichever one you choose, we have you covered.
However, in some situations, you may find that some single nutrients need a little top-up from time to time. This depends on your diet, your gut health, and your individual biochemistry.
The main nutrients that are now poorly absorbed and will need monitoring are
- Vitamin B12
- Iron
- Calcium
- Vitamin D
Regularly taking a Bariatric panel of blood tests will help alert you when things are sliding slowly south, and your dietitian will advise what to do.
We've Got You Covered
Here's our range of "top-up" or “repletion" nutrients explicitly made for when things need a little boost on their own.
BN Iron
Iron Bisglycinate + Vitamin C
BN B12
Strawberry Melts
1000mcg Me-cobalamin
BN Cal
Chocolate Vanilla
Calcium Citrate Tablets
BN Chocolate
Dark Chocolate Balls
Calcium Citrate
Signs you might need it
- Feeling Anxious
- Poor Sleep Maintenance
- Breathlessness
- General Fatigue
- Pins & Needles
- Brain Fog / Forgetfulness
- Lack of Energy
- Feeling Low or "Blue"
- Light Headed / Dizzy
- Extreme Fatigue
- Palpitations
- Cramps
- Forgetfulness
- Same as BN Cal
It's All Mapped Out
So, now you have your whole new life ahead of you - and a map of what you need to live it to the fullest, to gain access to a whole new world of vitality and energy.

Use this article to guide the BN Healthy range. All of these options set you up perfectly to meet the ASMBS Guidelines and on the right path to preventing vitamin deficiencies down the road.
1 ASMBS.org.2020
Jacqui Lewis
BHSc Nutritional and Dietetic Medicine