August 2022
Aureen Smythe
1. What made you decide to have wls surgery?
To help me have a healthy living and to improve my health and lifestyle and to get some exercise motivation
2. What was your weight prior to your WLS, and... What’s the goal?
I started my journey at 167.7kg at present I'm 97 kg . My goal 85 to 90 kg if I can
3. Did you get to the weight you wanted?
At the moment I have reached my surgeons goal of 103 kg so anything to 28th October is a bonus for me to my one year anniversary
4. How do you feel now that you have had the surgery?
Feel healthy and happy and always up for exercise
5. Were there any problems along the way?
Before and after surgery I have developed kidney stones . But otherwise this surgery has been one of the most quick recovery surgerys I have had
6. Would you do it again now that you know what you know?
Yes 100 percent wished i had done it 4 years ago or earlier if I could of I waited on the public system but obviously didn't qualify so for my health background I called it quits and tryed to get my kiwi saver to pay for it
7. What are some of the inspiring things you can think of that you have noticed along the way?
I can do a days work and still have a enough energy to exercise.
8. Did you have some happy unexpected surprises?
Getting into some really pretty clothes I have never wore in my life going from a size 26 down to 14 and 16 average size
9. What advice do you have for anyone preparing for surgery?
Dont sit on the fence go for it get the surgery u wont regret it . Make sure u keep sipping that water. No eating or drinking wait 20 minutes before or in between eating and drinking
10. What is the one very best thing that has resulted from your surgery? What has been the hardest part of your journey?
I can enjoy getting out on the bike , exercising in general with my boy and my nieces and nephew. I can also run up the stairs at work and not run out of breath. Can get changed after a days work and dont need to sit down and recover. The hardest part is drinking enough water for me. And sometimes feeling that I'm still that big person that I was in my mind