August 2022

Maz Glover

1. What made you decide to have Weight Loss Surgery?
I had been overweight all my life it seems and I got sick of yoyo dieting. My ultimate decision was when I looked at myself eating a pizza after attending a gym session.

2. What was your weight prior to your WLS? And what’s the goal?

I tipped the scales at my highest weight at 124kg and my surgery weight was 112kgs. I was sleeved on the 9th August 2021. I currently weigh 69.2kgs. To maintain my weight in the 60s is a great goal.

3. Did you get to the weight you wanted?

I would still like to lose a few more kgs. I don’t go by the BMI as I would need to reach 55-57kg for my height and I believe that is too light for me.

4. How do you feel now that you have had the surgery?

I feel great, my knees thank me, my heart rate and blood pressure thank me. It’s a hard journey but definitely worth it. I am fitter and stronger than I have ever been.

5. Were there any problems along the way?

No problem along the way for me apart from a few stumbles in regards to food amounts and my brain trying to trip me up 😂 No I am so glad I am on this journey.

6. Would you do it again now that you know what you know?

Absolutely I could say years ago but I don’t think that is the case.

7. What are the inspiring things you can think of that you have noticed along the way?

I now smell the roses, I love boot camp, going to the gym and I enjoy life in general more.

8. Did you have some happy unexpected surprises?

I think the unexpected surprise is the change in size of clothes who knew I could fit into an XS top

9. What advice do you have for anyone preparing for WLS?

Do the surgery for yourself no one else. Prepare yourself look at surgeons and know that it is going to be hard work. Don’t get discouraged if you don’t lose weight for a month or so, it’s the process believe in the process.

10. What is the one very best thing that has resulted from your surgery? What has been the hardest part of your journey?

My health is the best thing, lower BP and lower heart rate. The hardest part is getting my head around eating smaller amounts, using a smaller plate has been helpful.

11. What products to use from us? And how has it helped you through your journey?

Tasteless protein powder Plate and bowl for portion control. Cook books Snack packs