Never feel left out at party time again!
You’ll be amazed at how healthy dessert can be.
Treat yourself AND feel good as well.
Now you have a tiny tummy, every mouthful counts!
These dessert recipes will hit the spot every time!
Our nutritionist has compiled more than 70 meals and snack ideas to inspire and help you during your WLS journey! Food after surgery needn’t be boring! We’ve made it so easy. Now you have a tiny tummy, every mouthful counts! So let’s get cracking!
You’ll find stacks of new ideas that are specific to your stage.
We’ve put together a great selection of recipes here that cover all meals and snack times. This is the new way of looking at a meal.
You’ll notice a theme through all of them:
Heavy on protein, lower in simple carbohydrates, and rich in nutrients from fruits and vegetables.
Now you have a tiny tummy, every mouthful counts!
Let's get cooking!!
Avoid the winter blues by injecting some Here, you will find a great selection of recipes great for the winter season! Now you have a tiny tummy, every mouthful counts!
healthy variety into your diet!
Planning your meals ahead of time is the key to your WLS success
All you need is a few jars and your lunches
will never be the same again!
Try this range of tasty salad ideas you can make ahead of time,
and take with you wherever you go!
Never feel left out at party time again! Now you have a tiny tummy, every mouthful counts! These dessert recipes will hit the spot every time!
You’ll be amazed at how healthy dessert can be.
Treat yourself AND feel good as well.
Healthy Salad Dressing recipes
you should make at home. Store-bought dressings and sauces are packed with added sugar and preservatives
- hidden calories you don’t need! Homemade versions mean you can control the
amount of sugar you add to them and keep them fresh, nutritious and healthy!
Skip the bottled stuff, and use these healthy salad dressing recipes to make your
own at home for a fraction of the cost!
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