Brilliant! Based on your answers, we recommend:
After Gastric Band Surgery, the restriction in your food intake may lead to gaps in your nutrient intake. It's essential to check your levels using a blood test a few times a year (or as recommended by your team).
Bariatric supplements can be recommended depending on your pre and post-operative status and the findings during long-term nutrition monitoring*.
Symptoms can arise with getting too little iron, such as
If you experience vomiting regularly, this can exacerbate the problem, and supplements might be an excellent support to keep you feeling your best.
*Talk to your healthcare professional about your dietary supplement needs.
Bariatric supplements can be recommended depending on your pre and post-operative status and the findings during long-term nutrition monitoring*.
Symptoms can arise with getting too little iron, such as
- Fatigue
- Headaches
- Sleeplessness
- Poor Memory
If you experience vomiting regularly, this can exacerbate the problem, and supplements might be an excellent support to keep you feeling your best.
*Talk to your healthcare professional about your dietary supplement needs.
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Margaret Woodhouse
I’m so well. I had a heart scan when my brother died unexpectedly from heart disease. It came back with less than 10% chance of heart disease. The hardest part was when a really good friend never once commented on my loss. All my friends and acquaintances have, even people I don’t know very well, but this one friend hasn’t said a word. That hurts...
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Belle A
Very best part is that I am able to actually enjoy life with my family and go on the kids swing now and the joy in my daughters face while spending time with her rather than sitting on the side line...
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Vanessa Trott
I’m happier than I’ve ever been, I’m more confident than I’ve ever been and for the first time I also feel attractive. I hope others on this journey feel the same way about themselves as I do...
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